Sunday, November 29, 2015

Closed for business.

I'm sorry to inform everyone that Brandt & Coleman is no longer in the business of private investigatoring. Angelica is officially missing, and I can't run her business and keep searching for her at the same time. Don't worry about me--I should have enough saved up to keep this going for a bit, and if not, you'll see us reopen in the future.

I've pulled down our contact information and photos, and hidden a lot of the old business posts for a fresh start. If you're an existing client, feel free to contact me at the phone number you've got on record.

Since the business is on indefinite hiatus, have a two-sentence story:
I wasn't very alarmed at all the strange creaks and groans in the old apartment, and not even the weird footsteps in the hall bugged me very much. I did finally move out, though, when the apartment started whispering my name.

Sort of inspired by actual events.

I'll post random stuff here so concerned parties (Dylan) know I haven't died yet.

Thanks to all our old clients, hi to all our friends, and we'll be seeing you.