Friday, December 4, 2015

So this happened...

Jet and I were out getting groceries (hey, girls gotta eat) and this guy started following us. Probably drunk, I figured, since he was dragging his feet. I wasn't super worried, since he's not even remotely the scariest thing we've dealt with. So we just kept talking. I don't know what about--Avengers again, probably. Jet's still addicted to movies, and there's something about the superhero stuff that electrifies her.

Anyway, we kept walking and talking, and I kept doing that thing where you kind of reach back with your mind and you just know someone's there, right? And that guy was still there. I could hear the scraping over Jet's talking if I really listened.

We made it to Giant Eagle and did our thing. Jet: also still addicted to pizza bites. Don't judge me--I never wanted to be a mom, so it's double not my job to parent an orphan kid. I got her pizza bites.

We left the store with our crap, and of course I kinda looked around to see if our friend was still there.

Nope. Great.

Until we were like a block away from the store--seriously, the first alley we passed, and suddenly the little hairs on the back of my neck got prickly. I really don't need this sort of thing. It's not like I'm worried my heart's gonna explode from fright (just, you know, everything else), but when I'm having a quiet night with the kid, I don't want to deal with all the weird junk like we used to.

So I turned around, ready to read him off, and there's nobody there. I still felt that "you are not alone" feeling, so I looked all over the place. Jet was just confused, so I asked if she remembered the guy that followed us to the store.

She just stared at me like I was nuts, so I pointed out our old tracks in the snow, with the dragging tracks marching right between ours from where he was following us. I explained he followed us right up to the front door of Giant Eagle, and as we were following his dragging tracks toward the store, I noticed there were more dragging tracks coming back from it, right behind us. But the freaking tracks ended like four feet behind where we stood. They just stopped.

Yeah, so go figure. We went home, nuked some pizza bites, and watched the first Avengers movie.

If that guy follows us again, he's getting hit.

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